You wake up on an island, you can't remember anything, and you dont know where it is, you looked aoured and you the only thing around you is a letter and a knife.
[[look at the letter]]
[[grab the knife and leave]]"Well, Nice to meet you, i am Mr.K
I am your friend who want to help you
You've been choosed to finish a mision but you felt, you lose all your mamery"
"We try to help you and find out the only way to help you is get in to your dream, so you are in your dream. "
"Be careful with every small things around you, remenber chooce the one IS RIGHT, and care full , we will help you"
[[grab the knife and leave]] You start to really look around your self
[[go left->get lost]]
[[go right]]You choose to go left, you keep moving and you get lost, the night is geting dark so you must find a way to go back!
[[go left->dead]]
[[go right]]After 30minute, you find out there is a house, the house looks really nice, and you are hungry.
[[knock the door]]
[[leave]]Women voice:"who is that?"
[[i am hungry here,and i lost all my memory! can you help me??->talking 1]]
[[i dont know! could you let me in?->dead talking 1]]you looked aroud and find out you have no place to go, so you just go [[back->knock the door]]Women voice:"Ok"
The women answer the door, she is very beautiful and has a pair of beautiful eyes, your are totally shocked
Women: "OMG, you seems like very tried! come in and get some soup!"
锛坹ou walked in to the house锛�
[[was there any body told you that you are pretty->talking 2]]
[[what's the strange smell it is?->dead talking 1]]DEAD
You have been kicking out of the house, you have no were to go, when the dark came, you dont know what to doso
[[go left->dead]]You back in to the real world but you cant forgive yourself, as last you suaside, game overWomen voice:"Ok"
The women answer the door, she is very beautiful and has a pair of beautiful eyes, your are totally shocked
Women: "OMG, you seems like very tried! come in and get some soup!"
锛坹ou walked in to the house锛�
"was there some one told you taht you are pretty"
"oh come on, i am not pretty, it just... the lights
here is your soup, enjoy it!"
[[you finished the soup and wants to talk to the girl->talking 3]]
[[yo left the house ]]
You left the house, and you looked around. yo find out that you have no way to go, so yo just [[go left->dead]]You and the women had a interesting conversation, you found out she is very dicied to ask her to be your wife(since you have no were to go), she said yes!!
...(3 years later)
During this 3 years you and her are having great time, you live together, they eat together, but the only thing that really anoying you is to go back to the real world, you have some momery back dureing this time, you have a sister who is only 4years old, you are 21 and you lost both of your parents, (if i lost both of my parents, then what about your family?)you asked your self.
One day when you are walking in the forest.A dwarf come and told you, "if you kill your wife,you will be back to the real world." You looked at him looked strange,"how so you...", the dwarf run away before you finished the question, You paused...
[[kill her->fire]]
[[refuse the dwarf->fire]]You backed home, Your home is one fired!!
You want to save your wife but suddenlly,
[[i want to kill her so way dont i just let her die in there?->you wake up ]]
[[she is my wife!!! i want go in there-> Save her]]you go straight in to the fire, the fire is too big,so it DISTRIED YOUR HOUSE
you get in to the house and see your wife, but when the time you try to get out of the house, bad things happened, when house can't stand any more, you two dead in to the fire....[["I love you->You wake up and happy]]You wake up and find out your wife is a real women who is one of your fariend you get merry with her and you get all your momery back, happy ending!